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Neu: Optem FUSION Broschüren Update
Laser Material Processing Broschüre - Update
Neue Broschüren Maschine Vision Solutions

Winlens Basic Screenshots

Winlens Basic Screenshots
selection of optical components from database
selection of optical components from database
user defined lenses
user defined lenses
selection of optical systems from database
selection of optical systems from database
system data and paraxial data
system data and paraxial data
Seidel aberrations and ray tracing
Seidel aberrations and ray tracing
longitudinal, transverse and field aberrations
longitudinal, transverse and field aberrations
coatings and transmission
coatings and transmission
zoom systems
zoom systems
custom glass map & database
custom glass map & database
grin raytrace
grin raytrace
Seidel Bar Chart
Seidel Bar Chart
gaussian beam analysis
gaussian beam analysis
gaussian beam analysis (rectangular laser)
gaussian beam analysis (rectangular laser)